Durham County has a public transportation problem, and now is the time to take action. Durham County is the connecting County in the Triangle. As the new Chair of the GoTriangle Board, I intend to bring together the forming of a new vision of robust local and regional bus services.
GoTriangle services fill the gap between local projects and help increase access to jobs, education, and opportunity for all residents of the Triangle.
After a lengthy community engagement process in Durham County, the recommended Final Durham County Transit Plan was approved in June 2023. This plan will provide over $1B of local transit dedicated dollars to spend on transit improvements in Durham through 2040. About half of the funding in this plan will be used to continue the bus service improvements that were approved in the 2017 transit plan, and the other half of the funds will support new transit initiatives and projects throughout the County, as identified through the public involvement process. Durham County Board of Commissioners continues working with our staff and partners to advance the Transit Plan. This will provide a more transparent governance process and an Inter-Local Agreement to deliver better stewardship and oversight of our critical county transportation funds.
Ensured that all voices were heard concerning transportation priorities to ensure that Durham County transportation funds are used most efficiently and effectively for our residents.
Guided the Durham County Transit Plan through an approval process which is the roadmap for using countywide taxes and fees to support public transportation improvements.
Started the GoDurham Better Bus Project that will improve the design of the streets, sidewalks, and bus stops and provide safe pedestrian access to bus stops, enhance comfort at bus stops, and improve bus service on routes