I remain committed to fostering a more equitable and sustainable future for all. I have been appointed to The Local Government Advisory Committee for the Environmental Protection Agency, an advisory committee consisting of local government officials and stakeholders who will provide advice and recommendations to the Environmental Protection Agency on environmental policies and regulations. I will be a strong voice for Durham residents on this committee. I have already begun to work on PFAS (forever chemicals) and its impact on our drinking water and overall long-term health in Durham County.
Partnered with City of Durham and Durham Public Schools to have a solar farm built to help us meet our goals of a swift, just transition of county operations to 80% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% by 2050. When the project comes on-line in 2025, it will provide 75% of the electricity used in County operations.
Installed 7 electric vehicle publicly accessible charging stations throughout the community and purchased 2 electric vehicles for County use.
Created a County high performance building policy that requires all new buildings to meet high environmental standards. The County currently has 12 LEED buildings.
Passed bottled water policy prohibits the use of County funds to purchase single-use bottled water.